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Thank you for offering to help us explore this new system called Amilia. We have evaluated a number of alternatives and believe this system will provide our members a better experience in managing their membership, enrolling in classes, and reserving equipment. It will also help our staff be more productive. 


THE NEW SYSTEM IS NOT LIVE. However, we have added a lot of sample data so that it looks as alive as possible. You can help us out by trying the links below. In each case explore the system and do whatever you want. We are purposely not giving you a list of specific tasks as this is not a test of the system functions. We are trying to gauge how someone new to the system will react to using it.


The team member who sent you the link to this page will follow up with you to gather your feedback.


If the system asks for a credit card, please use this one 4111-1111-1111-1111 with any expiration date and security code.


Thank you for helping out.

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